Waking Up To Ourselves and Conscious Business, A Weekend Retreat
Where: STONE TERRACE, 44 Radar Road, Hot Water Beach, NZ 3591 www.stoneterrace.co.nz
Phone: +64 7 866 3355
Email: steve@consciousbusinessassociates.co.nz
Website: www.consciousbusinessassociates.co.nz
When: 7pm Friday 27 September 2019 – Sunday 27 September 3pm
Workshop Fees: $695.00 (excl GST) pp (includes morning and afternoon teas, Saturday dinner).
Payment: Please make payment with your Registration.
Direct Credit: To Conscious Business Associates, Kiwibank account number: 38-9020-0667575-00
Please put “CBA Aug” in Particulars and “Your Name” as Reference
Cash payment: By arrangement with the Organiser only
Registration: Please complete this Registration Form & email proof of payment ASAP to:
Steve Lefebvre (steve@consciousbusinessassociates.co.nz
Accommodation Options: Please contact Steve 07 866 3355 for support.
Limited rooms available at Stone Terrace: Cost $300.00 pp for Friday & Saturday night.
Hot Water Beach Holiday Park: www.hotwaterbeachtop10.co.nz 07 866 3116
Auntie Dawn’s: www.auntiedawn.co.nz 07 866 3707 –
Stanaway private Bach: 07 866 3355 – Four + people
The Church: thechurchhahei.co.nz – Holds 36 people.
Local listings for accommodation: www.holidayhouses.co.nz/Hot-Water-Beach.asp
We would appreciate your prompt registration as there are limited spaces for this workshop.